"News show too much the dark side of life" says a Romanian PNL Senator. In consequence people is sad, and sad people have poor health.
Happier means better health; ok, but how to make the people happy?
The americans found their way in Irak with Prozac.

Happier means better health; ok, but how to make the people happy?
The americans found their way in Irak with Prozac.
However Prozac as a mean to increase people´s happiness is not affordable neither for everybody nor for every country. But no worries there are happy, happy news: Romany has a solution which actually consists of a prescribed increase of amounts of happy news....

However Prozac as a mean to increase people´s happiness is not affordable neither for everybody nor for every country. But no worries there are happy news: Romany has a solution which actually consists of an increase in the amounts of happy news. The "happy news law" has been promoted by Romania Mare and the National Liberal Party (PNL). News are bias towards negative information: "News show too much the dark side of life" said a senator of the PNL to Reuters. This is obviously based on robust and consistent scientific studies, arguments, opinions and comments. Ioana Avadani, President of the Romanian Center for Independent Journalism, defends that the law is based on a unique study (for the reason that there is only one). The study claims that bad news affect negatively health causing depresions and many other terrible things. The Life of Brian also recommends to "always look in the bright side of life" and its scientific findings could be used in the defence of the "happy news law".
The law was recently approved in the Senate and has gave rise to too many protests by reactionary individuals and institutions who, hiding behind freedom of speech just try to bitter your life and get your money.The ball is now on the roof of the president Traian Basescu: if he gives the "go ahead" radios and TVs will have to give same amount of positive than of negative news. An institution to classify good and evil news will be needed and Internet is likely to bear fines and even jail if equality controls are not respected. There are great expectations and important amounts of people willing to be happy and healthy while watching TV hope that their president does not defraud them and respects the democratical decision of the Senate.
Below a simulation based on original scientific findings is presented: the smiling yellow faces denote "happy people", orange "not so happy", and finally red unhappy faces represent "sad people". The results of the simulation clearly show a robust effect of introducing happy news policies: the approval of the "happy news law" changes TV from "sad TV" to "Happy TV" and strongly increases the amount of "happy people" who virtually manages to cover most of the "sad people" and even the "not so sad people".Here appears to be someone saying something related to the issue(not very sure of what but thanks god he seems to be supportive)More info (en español)
"Fuck freedom of speech and gimme the bloody megaphone"
(Rosseau entre bambalinas)
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